Experiments at Greenwood Groove Academy Mombasa
This is what you will need for the experiment:
– 2 potatoes (or cut one potato in half)
– 2 short lengths of copper wire
– 2 galvanized nails (please note that not all nails are galvanized or zinc-coated)
– 3 alligator clip wire units (alligator clips connected to each other with wire)
– 1 low-voltage LED clock (the type that takes a 1-2 volt button battery.)
How to turn the potato into a battery and get it to work:
Step 1- If there is a battery already in the clock, remove it. Insert a galvanized nail into each potato.
Step 2 – Insert a short piece of copper wire into each potato. Put the wire as far as possible from the nail.
Step 3 – Use an alligator clip to connect the copper wire of one potato to the positive (+) terminal of the clock’s battery compartment.
Step 4 – Use another alligator clip to connect the nail in the other potato to the negative (-) terminal in the clock’s battery compartment.
Step 5 – Use the third alligator clip to connect the nail in potato one to the copper wire in potato two.
Your clock should be set!
Location: We are located on Links Road- Nyali, Mombasa.
Email: admissions@greenwood.sc.ke
Phone number: +254 777 777 999